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Apr 2021
Nancy Bucceri receives national recognition through the INDEPENDENT PRESS AWARD®!
West Chester, PA -- The INDEPENDENT PRESS AWARD recognized Semper Avanti by Nancy Bucceri in the category of care giving as a distinguished favorite.
The competition is judged by experts from different aspects of the book industry, including publishers, writers, editors, book cover designers and professional copywriters. Selected award winners and distinguished favorites are based on overall excellence.
Semper Avanti is a love story. It's a true story about living through personal crisis. It's about moving "always forward" when you think you can't.  It is about a wife suddenly thrust into full time caregiver, and one couple's long, excruciating journey through stroke recovery treatment.
In 2021, the INDEPENDENT PRESS AWARD had entries worldwide.  Participating authors and publishers reside in countries such as Australia, Canada, India, Ireland, Japan, Singapore, Switzerland, United Kingdom, and others.  In addition, books submitted included writers located in U.S. cities such as Atlanta to Santa Fe; Chicago to New York; from Boise to Honolulu, and others.
"We congratulate this year's 2021 winners and distinguished favorites in the annual INDEPENDENT PRESS AWARD.  The quality and quantity of excellent independently published books hit a record.  Independents recognized are thriving around the world; and we are so proud to announce these key titles representing global independent publishing." said awards sponsor Gabrielle Olczak.
For more information please visit; and to see this year's list of IPA Distinguished Favorites, please visit
contact Nancy Bucceri at 610.918.1161 or
Clarion Review gives Semper Avanti 4 out of 5 stars.  "Nancy Bucceri’s Semper Avanti is a brief but powerful book that articulates the difficulties of dealing with the catastrophic illness of a loved one...Semper Avanti is a successful blend of memoir and advice. Those directly responsible for dealing with the serious illnesses of loved ones will find comfort and support in this slim but potent book."  - Geraldine Richards, Clarion Review


See full review at

"Bucceri's writing is unobtrusive, which serves the story well, and the narrative is breezy, funny, warm and family centered.  Despite the subject matter, Semper Avanti  is an entertaining read, one that offers insight and comfort to anyone who has been in Bucceri's shoes or might one day end up there."  - BlueInk Review


See full review at



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